The Dark Moon

The Dark Moon

November’s Full Moon is known as the Dark Moon and signifies the embrace of the cold, lightless season of Winter. The Dark Moon guides us full tilt into the depth of Winter. Remember, darkness isn’t the absence of light, darkness is its very own entity. Consider dark energy not as a negative or maleficent force but an unseen force of acceleration and expansion. You may find that residing deep within the subaqueous stillness of Winter there is an opulent source of wisdom after all.

November’s Full Moon is known as the Dark Moon and signifies the embrace of the cold, lightless season of Winter. Occurring in Gemini, this Moon will manifest for most in either a myopic or a holographic lens through which they experience life and the Universe. Both perspectives will provide an education on what thrives in you while all else hibernates. Embrace the journey with Bacchanalian gusto, as if each new awareness is a fine wine to be sniffed and sipped and clucked over. You may find that residing deep within the subaqueous stillness of Winter there is an opulent source of wisdom after all.

The Dark Moon guides us full tilt into the depth of Winter. Remember, darkness isn’t the absence of light, darkness is its very own entity. Cosmology and Astronomy both identify a form of Energy known as Dark Energy. This is the phenomenon of an unknown form of energy hypothesized to permeate all of space and tending to accelerate the expansion of the universe. Where could this kind of dark energy live in you? Consider dark energy not as a negative or maleficent force but an unseen force of acceleration and expansion. What force permeates all of you and drives you to expand?

As this Full Moon occurs in Gemini, one can use the Twins’ qualities to explore the forces of dark energy in themselves. Gemini embodies strong communication skills and of course, duality. Perhaps it’s time to confront those forces in opposition within you and have a dialogue with yourself about how or why they began their residency? Or maybe those forces you feel in opposition with are exogenous and require you to address them with well-thought out and clear communication mechanisms?

These internal or external struggles are important to attend to in our lives and you’ll have a better measure of success this Full Moon when you remember that in darkness you can utilize different senses than sight to gather information with.

When the field of vision is dimmed some become hyper-aware of inner sensations and immediate physical stimuli while others tap into a collective consciousness, a global awareness that can feel overwhelming in it’s vastness or protective in its anonymity. While these perspectives are different neither holds greater currency in the journey of awareness in the dark. Whatever resource comes to you, embrace it, celebrate it, wash it down with wine and cheese, exploring in the dark requires a lot of energy. Allow yourself to be reinvigorated by good food, community, healthy indulgences and laughter during this time because Baby when you’re truly doing the good work it’s easy to build up an appetite and your ravenousness informs your willingness to keep diving into the work. The dark doesn’t last forever, let the tides of feelings and emotions swell and warm you, they will always recede again.

This Full Moon enjoy the season of darkness, find the plenty in the quiet and feel the acceleration of the universe in each and every cell of your body. There is tranquility for you there in the dark, rest in the expansion of the Universe and recognize that you’re an intrinsic part of it.

As the American poet Adrienne Rich put it in From Diving into the Wreck,

First the air is blue and then
it is bluer and then green and then

black I am blacking out and yet
my mask is powerful
it pumps my blood with power
the sea is another story
the sea is not a question of power
I have to learn alone
to turn my body without force
in the deep element.


Words by Jamie Leigh Fish
Full Moon artwork by Garek Jon Druss
More from our Full Moon series—
The Dark Moon
The Quiet Moon
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1 comment

  • So glad to hear that, Kathy! We really enjoyed Jamie’s insight and perspective as well. Enjoy the beautiful full moon and holiday!

    Christina Hicks on

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