Michele Andrews: Unfinished Longing

Michele Andrews: Unfinished Longing

The delicacy of unkempt details is a natural state for accomplished Stylist and Cultural Entrepreneur, Michele Andrews. There is an instinctive temptation and curiosity to get to the root of an enigmatic creative mind. A list of influences or even the transparent details of resources come up as an empty definition. Andrews has created an unmistakable visual language, but perhaps what is most striking is her ability to morph this vernacular with every new image or project. Models carry expressions of elusive longing and a fierce secret held at bay with her agency. Exaggerated and hidden garment details give way to an intense exploration of space, the human form and a deep understanding of balance. Andrews is a frequent collaborator of Baby & Company; we draw inspiration from her singular presence and wait with baited breath as she carefully coaxes out new lives for fabric with her work.

michele andrews baby and company blog fashion stylistBrit Parks: What first piqued your interest in being a Stylist? Did you arrive at it organically or did you seek it out?

Michele Andrews: What first piqued my interest in styling was the ability to manipulate fabric and texture together. It was a chance to execute what I see in my mind's eye and to be honest, I dream in clothing. In order to be less of an in my head clothing horse, I decided to initiate visual art components and expose what exists visually for me in my mind. Styling definitely fell into my lap, it presented itself and I decided to experience its offerings.

BP: Where do you derive inspiration from?

MA: Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy shaped my youth aesthetically and influenced my perspective on my children. They experience life with little to no boundaries and when they dress literally anything goes. My mind goes haywire and sometimes my eyes cross but, I encourage freedom of thought and I feel so grateful to vicariously experience my inner child through them.

michele andrews baby and company blog fashion stylistBP: Whose work inspires you?

MA: I love the artist ideih’s work. She has a small presence on the internet which makes her increasingly elusive and only makes her work more desirable -- and also her as an individual. I romanticize and identify with women with a strong sense of boundaries and her choice to expose just enough fascinates me as I continually strive for the same. Boundaries do not always come easy for me but they are crucial. 

michele andrews baby and company blog fashion stylistBP: What have been some of your favorite moments as a Stylist?

MA: My favorite moments have been too many to count. I dislike to brag but I truly feel like I have been given access to some of the most genuine artists and independent thinkers of our time and it's incredibly hard work and as they say, a labor of love. The reward of community is worth every drop of sweat and every moment of stress.

BP: How would you describe your aesthetic in a few words?

MA: I would say quickly, Grandma and Grandpa inclinations with a dash of French - my roots.

michele andrews baby and company blog fashion stylistBP: What is your ideal day off?  

MA: My ideal day off is time to read, coffee twice -- once at home and once out. A yoga class or a long walk followed by a sip of something tasty like wine or tequila. Ending with a meal shared with my someone or several people I love and a film.

Words and Interview by Brit Parks

Michele Andrews, Photo courtesy of Project Girl Crush
Alex by Michele Andrews
Winter by Michele Andrews
ideih, untitled performance
Lily by Michele Andrews
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1 comment

  • This is so my style. I collect aprons and wear them
    a lot. Because of the nerd population now in Seattle, the diversity of merchandise is very low.
    Thank you for carrying on the Baby tradition.
    Though I use most of my money for travel, I
    respect what you do.

    Merci, Merci,

    Harriet McNamara on

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