The Sunday Guide – January

The Sunday Guide – January


This image is from one of our customer’s neighbors home.
The only thing remaining in the ashes was this statue of the Virgin Mary.
Deep Breath…
Well, so far the New Year has gotten off to a rocky start!
The Los Angeles fires have left us most rattled and devastated. We have so many friends and colleagues that are being affected. The depth and trauma of this natural disaster is unimaginable. Worse, is watching it play out in real time on TV; It reminds me of the horror we felt while watching Cathédrale Notre Dame burn.
The Pacific Palisades, and surrounding areas, were some of the most beautiful districts in LA, and are completely wiped out. Businesses, schools, and entire neighborhoods gone.
Imagine your whole community has vanished. It’s hard to wrap your head around it. And yet we must, in order to feel the empathy and compassion for those who have endured this catastrophe.
My hope is that we can act as "One America” and wrap our arms around this city and its people that have lost everything. Just like we did after 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the many other disasters we have faced as a nation.
The whole world seemed to come together to grieve the burning of Notre Dame with the French people. It really does feel so natural to Love thy Neighbor when disaster strikes; to treat people like you would want to be treated. You know, all the Golden Rules we were taught as children. These are the times that we need to put all that good wisdom and faith into action and lend a hand with whatever we can. These are the times to harness a sense of national fellowship, and act as the United States of America and not the divided states of a mean America.
Hard times will be with the city of LA for a long time as it tries to get itself back on its feet. The residents of the hardest hit neighborhoods have nothing to return home to. Absolutely nothing.
It will take all of us, far and wide, to let them know they are not alone.
The Blame Game that is already staring to boil will do nothing to help heal and nurture the broken souls of a city that has experienced such devastation. Only our collective goodwill and the compassion of the American Spirit will help LA and her people get back on their feet.
They will all need to come together to face the enormous challenges that awaits them!Los Angeles knows how to fight. It’s my hope that the collective actions of a ‘One America’ spirit will have the city’s back, and stand beside them to witness and root for their amazing comeback.
United We Stand, Baby!


FYI, I am a resoluter.
I personally think it is good to go over the past year and find areas to make changes or adjustments. All those things I WISH I would have done differently. I consider 2025 a chance for a few Do Overs.
For me, it is helpful to make a list. Not that you will do everything on the list, but let it act as a reminder of things you would like to achieve.. hell, we have eleven more months to tick a few of them off.
I am using a "helper" to keep me motivated and on track: Mel Robbins.
I wasn’t so sure about jumping on the Mel Robbins train, but, after listening to a few of her podcasts and checking out her “Let Them” theory, I found it helpful and motivating, and now I am digging it. Her podcast is great to take on a walk, run or hike. Also, her book “Let Them” is a great read (or listen) as well.
Check it out; you never know.
... just my two cents.


Lunar New Year starts January 29, 2025!
This years Zodiac animal is the Wood Snake - Wisdom, Creativity and Adaptability are some of the symbols that are attributed to the Snake.
As a tradition, we will celebrate Chinese New Year and have some fun surprises in the store to mark the day!
(Details to come)
Kung Hei Fat Choi! (gōng xi fā cái)


Check out a few of my latest “Cooks du Jours” from Instagram, and the recipes I am loving.
You can find all the recipes with instructions on Reels on their individual Instagram sites; Just search for the recipes I am recommending and get after it!

Lazy Baked Chicken Milanese - This dish is delicious! Super easy to put together, and impressive to serve.

Crispy Rice Salad - You’re welcome in advance. This recipe is so yummy and is a fantastic vegan dish that is a real crowd pleaser!

Stuffed Avocado with Tuna Tartar - This is a very simple dish to put together, and will leave you wanting more!

Grated Carrots with Amba Marinade - I keep a jar of this in my fridge and love to serve it as a flavor-packed side dish, topping, or in a salad.
So easy to make (you will have to order the Amba Sauce on’s worth it)
PS: One of my resolutions has been to eat more fresh veggies and less meat.
As well, to make more beautiful food for people that I love.


Finally, the song Imagine was performed at Jimmy Carter’s funeral, and the words and sentiment of this song hit me particularly hard on this day.
I invite you to listen to this song, and really hang on to the message so beautifully written and performed by John Lennon. Click on the link and watch. It’s a very cool video you might not have seen.
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