September Sunday Guide
Ready or not, here comes Autumn, Baby.
Mornings have that subtle chill in the air; days are giving way to the night a bit earlier, and Labor Day has everyone clamoring to squeeze the last taste of summer out of the long weekend.
But, not all is lost with the end of summer. Nature will serve up her last blast of seasonal beauty and hopefully we will be treated to a long Indian Summer before the 1st frost flirts its way into our gardens and lawns. We will be waiting with gorgeous, cozy sweaters where Autumnal hues abound!
We have some exciting events and happenings in the coming months that we hope to share with all of you. Stop on in and tell us all about your summer holidays and adventures since we’ve seen you last.
We've got your BACK Baby!
Jill Donnelly
Ode to the end of Summer
by Phyllis McGinley
"Summer, adieu
Adieu gregarious season.
Goodbye, 'revoir, farewell.
Now day comes late; now chillier blows the breeze on
Forsaken beach and boarded-up hotel.
Now wild geese fly together in thin lines
And Tourist Homes take down their lettered signs.
It fades--this green this lavish interval
This time of flowers and fruits,
Of melon ripe along the orchard wall,
Of sun and sails and wrinkled linen suits;
Time when the world seems rather plus than minus
And pollen tickles the allergic sinus.
Now fugitives to farm and shore and highland
Cancel their brief escape.
The Ferris wheel is quiet at Coney Island
And quaintness trades no longer on the Cape;
While meek-eyed parents hasten down the ramps
To greet their offspring, terrible from camps.
Turn up the steam. The year is growing older.
The maple boughs are red.
Summer, farewell. Farewell the sunburnt shoulder
Farewell the peasant kerchief on the head.
Farewell the thunderstorm, complete with lightning,
And the white shoe that ever needeth whitening.
Farewell, vacation friendships, sweet but tenuous
Ditto to slacks and shorts,
Farewell, O strange compulsion to be strenuous
Which sends us forth to death on tennis courts.
Farewell, Mosquito, horror of our nights;
Clambakes, iced tea, and transatlantic flights.
The zinnia withers, mortal as the tulip.
Now from the dripping glass
I'll sip no more the amateur mint julep
Nor dine al fresco on the alien grass;
Nor scale the height nor breast the truculent billow
Nor lay my head on any weekend pillow.
Unstintingly I yield myself to Autumn
And Equinoctial sloth.
I hide my swim suit in the bureau's bottom
Nor fear the fury of the after-moth
Forswearing porch and pool and beetled garden,
My heart shall rest, my arteries shall harden.
Welcome, kind Fall, and every month with "r" in
Whereto my mind is bent.
Come, sedentary season that I star in,
O fire-lit Winter of my deep content!
Amid the snow, the sleet, the blizzard's raw gust
I shall be cozier than I was in August.
Safe from the picnic sleeps the unlittered dell.
The last Good Humor sounds its final bell
And all is silence.
Summer, farewell, farewell."

Our recommendation for September is a Seattle institution and a culinary experience that will leave you coming back for more –DeLaurenti Food & Wine and Italian Grocer. We would like to suggest planning a late summer picnic to cling to the last of the summer sunsets and DeLaurenti has the perfect assortment of foods and wines for any outdoor occasion.
Opening in 1946 as Pete's Italian Grocery, Pete DeLaurenti became known for his tangy and tasty offerings of feta and kasseri cheeses. Now these once-novel are staples, along with fresh mozzarellas, chiantis, and Umbrian olive oils.
We count on DeLaurenti's reliable suggestions for cheeses, meats, pickles, and wine from the seasoned staff that proudly wear the white aprons behind the counter. The spectacular selection of refined deli options can leave one paralyzed when considering the best choice for the given culinary requirement.
The staff are always ready for you and their recommendations will never let you down.
Go get it Baby!